How can I help?
There are so many ways to help our local pollinators:
· Feed Them
Honey bees and most other pollinators burn thousands of calories per day in flight, and they get hungry. I'll different species prefer different food types, you can't go wrong with sugar water. Leave up a pie pan of it up high in a semi Shady place and you'll see these hurried, hungry contributors land for a quick snack.
· Water Them
Michaels, pollinators need water. A 5 gallon bucket or small pail of H2O set in a shady spot (cool water is awesome) is best. Drape shade cloth or burlap over the rim and into the water so the pollinators can walk down to the water without drowning.
· Grow Grow Grow
Flowering crops are the reason we exist in – all of us. Without them, we'd be chewing on dirt in front of the TV. Put down some seed in a patch of ground or even a water glass and start your own mini BeeCause habitat. Not sure what to grow in your area? Click here to shop where we do.